Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013

The Bag Is Full!! (More than...;)

So many material donations I've received only from the stores of the village of Wald, I even had to ask the sister of Shiku for giving them an additional hand luggage :)
Thanks a lot to the following stores who have donated (in the order of I have them in mind):
Augen auf Optik
Schnyder Mode
Kinderkleider Secondhand Langstrumpf
Papeterie Hintermeister
Apotheke Wald
Switcher Shop Wald

All those shops are located in Wald ZH, within a nice shopping street. So it's absolutely no fault to come up here for shopping in a lovely, familiar environment, far away from the usual shopping stress :) And if you walk up the Hömelstreet, you'll get a coffee from me in the fantastic scenery of a Hotel built in the year 1900. In share of a humble donation for my kamanushiku funds ;)

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Low tech for better quality of life

In the so called modern civilization people are surrounded by a whole bunch of high tech products which make our daily life more comfortable, easier and cleaner . We cook our coffee on a gas or even electric stove, we do our morning business on a water closet toilet, we just have to push a button to brighten up our rooms with light. Oh, and before you go to work you quickly put the waste bag in front of your door where it will be picked up soon by the refuse collection. Imagine how your life would be without all those wonderful things? Cooking over the open fire, pouring the human remains into the creek, everywhere is rubbish because no one comes and pick it up and you have to sit in a small little shack which is dark even during the daytime. That's exactly how many people on this world have to live. With a little bit of low tech, simple but useful things for daily life, their life quality can be raised significantly. And the best is that the raw material low tech is for free then it's made out of rubbish. In this article you will read more about some interesting low tech concepts which can be realized almost everywhere on this planet. Everywhere where rubbish is present...

Dienstag, 26. November 2013

First donations :)

A table full of donations
I've got some first donations, yeah!!
About one wee ago I went for a walk in my home village Wald (which means forest, freely translated ;). It's not such a big village, but still almost 9'000 people live here. We have a couple of stores where I went in to ask for some donations. Now, one week later, I've collected a couple of textiles, some medical stuff, some pencils and paper for the kids to draw and a box full of old glasses. Also I have promises that I will get some more clothes soon. At the end it looks that I can easily fill up my second bag which I can take additionally down to Kenya. Also even someone donated CHF 200.- to buy some food and other stuff.

Thanks to all who have donated so far! And thanks also to everyone who want's donate something in future. This is just the beginning. A small droplet on a hot stone. But many small droplets also will chill down a hot stone :) So thanks and please don't stop to donate. If for my little project or for a big charity organization doesn't matters. It's important that you support people who make charity as only this way changes can be made. A plant doesn't grows if you pour a bucket full of water over it and then do nothing anymore. But if it receives continuously some droplets of water over a long time, some day it will be grow to a beautiful flower :)

However, I would love to get some soccer balls for the kids down there. For me somehow this is the cliché picture how kids can have fun with such easy things when they have almost nothing. And even it's cliché, but it shows the truth. Just a simple soccer ball can make the forget all the problems around them. So for me a ball is also a symbol for a better future for this and coming generations down in Africa :)

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

The Five Times Money Machine

2x5It is an invention of me and it works to 100 percent! Even more, everyone can build it and it's not patent binding! There is no crux and you don't loose your money. You make it five times more valuable and you do help other people with it. Wondering how it works? I will explain you...

Here is the do it yourself tutorial for your personal Five Times Money Machine:

1. Handcraft a little cash box with whatever you get in your fingers. Cardboard box, tin, can, plastic box... The only condition is that it must have a slot to put money in. Ideally it also has a hole to get the money out of the box afterwards.
2. Show the box to your friends and thell them that the moey put in will gain five time in value. Make them putting small donations into the box!
3. If the box is filled, take out the money and deposit at the magical swiss post chueque account 92-70844-5. Now the wonder happens...

The Wonder: I take the money down to Kenya and buy strongly needed things for the people there. Every Swiss Frank, Euro or Dollar has a feelt value of five times more. That means that you get in Kenya five times more food, clothes or things for the daily life as you would get in Switzerland, Germany or many other Industrial Nations. The money goes to the poors in Kenya directly and without commissions as i bring down the money directly when I visit Kenya and do mot take any commissions for me. So, do some charity and collect some donations or donate some buck yourself. This will make the life of some Kenyans brighter and more valuable. Spread the idea of that invention to your frinds and make them also collecting and "five timers" their money. Let the wonder come true and happen, for the poor people who fight to survive day by day. Thank you so much!!

Für Kenya am Ball bleiben!

Spenden für Direkthilfe vor Ort gesucht!

Kenya ist vor allem bekannt durch seine atemberaubend schönen Landschaften und unzähligen Möglichkeiten Safari zu machen. Wer dann von der luxuriösen Lodge aus die Schönheiten des Landes bestaunt, wird sich gar nicht mehr bewusst dass Kenya zu den Entwicklungsländern zählt. Kenya rangiert auf der Welteinkommensliste auf Platz 146 von insgesamt 175. Nur unweit der Ferienoasen kämpfen die Menschen tagtäglich mit Armut und Hunger.
Oftmals sind es die kleinen Dinge die Hoffnung machen. Ein Fussball für die Kinder, der sie beim Spiel die Sorgen des Alltags vergessen lässt. Hefte und Stifte zum Schreiben, damit man sich das erlernte Wissen auch nach der Schule wieder in Erinnerung rufen kann. Ein Sack Mais oder ein kleines Ersatzteil um den so dringend benötigten Transportbus wieder zum Laufen zu kriegen. Alles kleine Dinge die eine grosse Wirkung erzielen können. Nicht nur materiell, sondern vor allem ideell. Kleine Dinge die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft machen, kleine Dinge die den ärmsten Menschen in Kenya zeigen sollen dass es andere Menschen gibt, die sie unterstützen und helfen.

Genau solche mit solchen Kleinigkeiten möchte ich auf meiner Reise im Dezember/Januar 2013/14 ein wenig Hoffnung streuen. Dazu bin ich aber dringend auf ihre Mithilfe und Spenden angewiesen. Das gesammelte Geld wird verwendet um dringend gebrauchte Güter wie Kleider, Essen, Schulhefte usw. direkt vor Ort zu kaufen. So kommt jeder Franken genau dort an wo er gebraucht wird und zudem werden die örtlichen Händler ebenfalls unterstützt. Auf diese Weise kann das Geld gleich doppelt helfen. Geldspenden können auf das PC-Konto 92-70844-5 eingezahlt werden.

Natürlich können sie auch mitverfolgen was mit ihrer Spende passiert. Der Kamanushiku Blog (http://kamanushiku.blogspot.ch\) wird über meinen Trip nach Kenya berichten. Nebst interessanten Reiseberichten und Fotos der wunderschönen Natur Kenyas wird dann hoffentlich auch das eine oder andere Kinderlachen, ausgelöst durch ihre Spenden, im Blog zu sehen sein. Ich danke allen Spendern schon gerne mal imVoraus und hoffe auf rege Beteiligung and diese Aktion!! Vielen Dank ...und... weitersagen ;) !